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April 05, 2010

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Creating and Using Fundraising Flyers

by Deane Brengle

It doesn't matter if you're selling candy bars as a fundraiser or holding a fundraising auction. Most nonprofit groups will find that using a flyer as a promotional tool for your fundraiser will significantly boost your bottom line. The use of fundraising flyers can play an important roll in reaching your fundraiser's goal.

A fundraising flyer will increase your community's awareness about your fundraiser and help pre-sell it. It's advertising pure and simple. And everyone knows, "If you don't advertise a terrible thing happens - Nothing!"

How to Create Your Fundraising Flyer

  1. Gather the Facts

    There is some important information you will need to gather before you sit down to create your fundraising flyer. Conveying this information is crucial to creating a powerful flyer that will effectively do its job:

    • Who - Who is holding the fundraiser?
    • What - What type of fundraiser is being held? (event, sale, etc)
    • Where - Where is the fundraiser being held?
    • When - When is the fundraiser being held?
    • Why - Why are you holding the fundraiser? (what will the funds buy)
    • How - How can someone participate?

  2. Creating the Design

    If you have access to a graphic artist (professional or student) be sure and take advantage of their talents. If you are a school group you may be able to tap the resources of the art club or art class to help.

    Otherwise, many computer programs now days can be used to create fundraising flyers. Microsoft Word and Microsoft Publisher are two that are available pre-installed on many computers.

    Ask about your group and find someone who is computer literate and artistic too and solicit their help.

    Design Considerations

    Bold and simple is the best for any fundraising flyer. You will only have a few seconds to attract the attention of your prospective audience. Hard to read and complicated is not good.

    • If you have a logo that is recognizable by your community use it.
    • Use bold fonts that are easy to read.
    • Come up with a snappy headline.
    • Copy should be straight to the point.
    • Images can be used but beware of how they will look if you are printing in only one color.
    • Include all the information (who, what, where, when, why, & how) you gathered above.
    • The body of your flyer doesn't have to be completely filled. White space (the area of your flyer that doesn't have any graphics or text) will make your flyer easier to read.

  3. Paper and Printing Considerations

    There are many ways to stretch your advertising budget when creating fundraising flyers.

    Printing in one color is the cheapest. And printing with black via a coping machine is the cheapest yet. This allows you to take advantage of quick print shops and big box stores (Office Max, Office Depot, Kinkos) for very inexpensive pricing. They also have available one color printing in basic colors and color copying if it's in your budget. But unless you're sending your flyers to a targeted group, print one color and get more copies of your flyer.

    Printing with one color (black) on colored paper stock is another way to stretch your budget. A good flyer design printed on colorful paper can be very impressive.

    Be sure and ask when checking prices if the print shop will donate the printing and paper costs or give you a break. Many printers will agree - if you add their logo or a small credit to them on the bottom of your flyer.

  4. Distributing Your Fundraising Flyers

    Now you've got your fundraising flyer it's time to put them out so they can do their job. Just be sure to get permission to put up any flyer.

    There are many places available for you to post your flyer. Look for anyplace the public will see it.

    • Schools
    • Churches
    • Grocery Stores
    • Restaurants
    • Gas Stations
    • Coffee Shops
    • Beauty Salons & Barber Shops
    • Party & Convenience Stores


A fundraising flyer should be part of your overall advertising strategy. They are simple to make, cheap to reproduce, easy to distribute, and they work!

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About the Author:

Deane Brengle writes for several free online publications that cover fundraising for small nonprofit groups. You can visit these publications and read more about fundraising in articles by him and other experts in the field at The Fund$Raiser Cyberzine, The Fundraising for Small Groups Newsletter, and Fundraising Booklets.

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