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Custom Silicone Bracelets Fundraiserby Kimberly Reynolds Fundraiser bracelets are hugely popular among young people, particularly the custom silicone bracelets with a trendy slogan impressed in the rubber. Silicon wristbands come in every color under the sun, with bright vibrant colors leading the pack, but black and white are also big hits. You'll see a pink silicone bracelet promoting breast cancer events such as Relay For Life while blue bracelets are hot with youth sports team like football or baseball teams. Church groups prefer the white variety with slogans like 'Got Faith' or 'WWJD?' (What Would Jesus Do?) among the best sellers. With custom silicone bracelets, you can select your phrase, pick a color, and have several hundred available to sell within days. It really is a fantastic way to fundraise, particularly in conjunction with a well publicized event. Getting started You have three main decisions to make about your custom bracelets: what slogan to imprint, color choice, and supplier. Make the first two decisions before you start shopping for a distributor or wholesaler because otherwise it's hard to compare prices. Catchy slogans work best as do vibrant colors. Get input from your target market by putting together a quick focus group and showing them your three favorite colors and then your three favorite slogans. then go with the best overall fit. Remember that orders have to be prepaid and you can't change your mind later! As far as pricing, look for the big companies that give substantial price breaks. Most get under the $1 price point with an order of 300 or more, but there are also quality variations, so look for a reputable company that uses the best materials. Bracelet quality tips If you have enough lead time, get samples from your top three supplier choices and compare them for thickness and overall quality. There should be no vertical seam visible where the ring was joined and the beveled edges should feel smooth to the touch. The depth of the imprint (debossing is the technical term) is important as the slogan won't be clearly visible if it's not done correctly. Also, the rubber should not have a lot of elasticity, i.e. it shouldn't feel all stretchy like a rubber band. So, choose the supplier with thick bracelets, smooth edges, no seams, and imprints that are crisp and clear. After all, you can't do well with fundraiser bracelets that are cheap junk! Making sales Obviously, you can easily make sales within your group or at your fundraising event. Just set up a table adjacent to the entrance and support it with large colorful signs explaining why you are raising funds and what the prices are. The job of your posters and signs is to presell the customers as they approach, so make them easy to read from a distance. Don't be shy about stating your price. For instance, if your fundraiser bracelet is raising money to send personal items to troops overseas, put up a big sign behind your table that says 'Support Our Troops! Just $2.00' and have a large bracelet making a ring around the poster. Another great way to make sales is to setup a sales table at high-traffic retail locations like grocery stores, drug stores, home improvement stores or Wal-Mart. Be sure to get permission from the store manager well in advance! Position your sales table and signs the same way with a big sign on the wall behind you and a smaller one hanging from the front of the table. Shoppers are focused on what they are after inside the store, so again, your signs main job is pre-selling the customer as they approach. Plus, it saves you from having to repeat the same things over and over to every potential customer. Silicone bracelets summary There are many styles and colors to choose from when selecting a silicon wristband to sell, so take some time to get input from several people before making your choice. Quality sells, so be sure to pick a quality supplier who uses first-class materials as well as offering low prices. Sell your fundraiser bracelets at your event and within your group, but don't forget to make sales at high-traffic locations. By offering them to the general public you can double or triple your sales, plus you can get a much better price break by ordering a larger quantity. ![]() ![]() ![]() About the Author:
Kimberly Reynolds writes for national publications on fundraisers like organizing a school fundraiser, how to do a custom silicone bracelets fundraiser and other charity fundraising events. Find more on having a school fundraiser on her website, FundraiserHelp.com.
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