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by Deane Brengle Many nonprofit organizations are looking for alternative ways to raise funds and are casting an eye towards the internet for new fresh ideas. For over a decade now the internet has been leading the way with innovations in almost every field and endeavor. Fundraising for nonprofits has benefited from these advances in technology too. I'll bet that almost all of you have been contacted at one point or another by a child selling magazine subscriptions door to door. Right off the bat I'm going to tell you this program is nothing like that! Not even close. No door to door sales, no brochures, no collecting payment, no deliveries, no bounced checks, and no pesky follow-ups with after order problems. Readers Digest, the publishing giant, has created a unique online magazine fundraising program that harnesses the power of the internet to raise funds for any size nonprofit with none of the traditional fundraising hassles. It doesn't matter if your group has 20 members or 2,000 - this magazine fundraising program works the same. Any kind of group - local elementary school PTA, church group, nature organization, library, museum, or sports booster club - this fundraiser works for all groups and it's painless. Why Magazines? This fundraising program is the definition of a low impact fundraiser. You are not asking your supporters to purchase something they don't need or want. You're just asking them to change the way they buy something so that your group can benefit. And it won't cost your supporters any more than they already pay. The average American household subscribes to almost four magazines a year. About half of all U.S. adults purchase magazines through subscriptions. The Readers Digest program offers over 650 magazine titles at up to 85% off newsstand prices. And your supporters can subscribe, renew, or extend their subscriptions with credit going to your group. All the popular magazines are available including, Time, Newsweek, People, Entertainment Weekly, Sports Illustrated, Family Circle, Better Homes & Gardens and more. Your group earns 40% profit and checks are sent monthly to you. How it Works This online magazine fundraiser is very simple and straight forward. Your job is to get the word out to your members and supporters and motivate them to visit the website and participate. They list contacts (friends and family) with name and email addresses and the Readers Digest system automatically sends their personalized messages. The email message tells your story of why you are raising funds via magazine subscriptions and encourages them to help by clicking on a link to your online magazine store. Once there, visitors can place their order using the secure shopping system and their subscriptions are processed automatically.
Why Readers Digest? Readers Digest is not only a respected publishing company but is the world's leading fundraising company. With Readers Digest you get the security of dealing with a reputable company with a proven track record in fundraising since 1964. Their innovative system allows your supporters to safely order their subscriptions within a secure online environment. This fundraising program is free. As in no cost to your group. Not before, not during, not after. No brochures to buy. No shipping. No returns. No left-overs. Free! It's Easy!
Get the Word Out Because you get your own online fundraising magazine store your nonprofit doesn't have to have its own website for this fundraiser but it sure will help to spread the word to your members if you do. Create a banner or a text link to your online fundraising magazine store right on the front page of your nonprofit's website. To introduce this fundraiser it wouldn't hurt to write an article about the program and what you will use the funds for. Include the article on your website (with a link to the store). Include links to your online fundraising store in your newsletter, in any emails that you send members, and in your new member and volunteer packets. Generating awareness about this fundraiser is how you make it initially successful. Keeping this fundraiser in front of your members is how you generate funds on an ongoing basis. The Only One! Readers Digest is the only publisher to offer an online program like this for nonprofits. The selection of magazines and the savings can't be beat. And you earn 40% for every sale. This fundraiser is the wave of the future. Why not start generating new funds for your group coast to coast - 24/7 x 365 days a year - right now?
Find out more about fundraising with magazines and Readers Digest.
About the Author:
Deane Brengle is the editor of several free online publications that cover fundraising for small nonprofit groups. You can visit these publications and read more about fundraising in articles by him and other experts in the field at The Fund$Raiser Cyberzine, The Fundraising for Small Groups Newsletter, and Fundraising Booklets.
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