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by Deane Brengle Up to now I've been recommending ways for your members to redirect where they spend their everyday discretionary dollars in order to contribute to your group. This has been part of my continuing series about adding "low impact" fundraisers to ensure you capitalize on the newest trends in fundraising. Now I'm recommending a new way to raise money for your nonprofit without anyone spending any money. It's an offshoot of our internet revolution and it is called "fundraising with search engines". To the internet savvy, the search engine is one of the most useful and frequently used tools on the web. Millions of people use them every day to find almost anything they want on the internet. Now your nonprofit can benefit from this search craze. Search engines all offer their services for free and make their money by offering ads they hope their visitors will click on. It's a billion dollar industry that has made household names of companies like Google and Yahoo. GoodSearch, in partnership with Yahoo, has found a way to share that advertising revenue with nonprofits. By directing your members and supports to use GoodSearch, every time they conduct a simple web search they will generate a donation to your nonprofit. How It Works Launched in 2005, GoodSearch is powered by Yahoo's search engine and gives the exact same results as a regular Yahoo search. The only difference (besides a much cleaner page) is that GoodSearch asks it's users to enter the name of the charity they would like their search to benefit. That's where you make your money. Now don't think you're going to get rich fast! GoodSearch donates 50% of its revenue to its registered nonprofits. Currently that equates to about a penny a search. Doesn't seem like much does it? But those pennies can add up fast. Here's a breakdown for different size groups and how much they could earn a year:
Who Can Participate? To participate in the GoodSearch program, your organization must be a nonprofit. This includes schools, charities, hospitals and clinics, volunteer services, political organizations, fraternal organizations, professional associations, religious organizations, governmental agencies, etc. They are currently serving U.S. based nonprofits but are working on expanding in the future. After you submit your nonprofit information to GoodSearch it usually takes just a couple of days for them to verify and add your group to their database. They will send you an email when you're ready to go. GoodSearch has over 29,000 nonprofits currently using its services. How to Make GoodSearch Successful for Your Group GoodSearch sends one check a year, each December, to its registered organizations that generate at least $20 in the previous 12 months ending September 30. If your group doesn't generate the minimum amount it doesn't carry over to the next year. Like any fundraiser, the success you achieve with GoodSearch will be directly related to how many of your members and supporters use it. So here are some tips to ensure that your group is successful with GoodSearch:
Like any habit, good or bad, search engine habits are hard to change. To successfully convert your members and supporters to using GoodSearch you will have to keep the message and benefits in front of them at all times. While this fundraiser won't make you rich, it will add to your incremental income. It will also give your members and supporters a better sense of community. See how others incorporate GoodSearch into their nonprofit message and websites:
Visit GoodSearch here: GoodSearch.com
About the Author:
Deane Brengle is the editor of several free online publications that cover fundraising for small nonprofit groups. You can visit these publications and read more about fundraising in articles by him and other experts in the field at The Fund$Raiser Cyberzine, The Fundraising for Small Groups Newsletter, and Fundraising Booklets.
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