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August 27, 2010

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Mardi Gras Costumes

by Kent Pinkerton

In order to understand why people wear costumes on Mardi Gras and how this tradition came about, you need to understand the history of this occasion.

The meaning of Mardi Gras in French language is �Fat Tuesday� and falls somewhere between February 3 and March 9, depending on the lunar cycle. Mardi Gras is a final party before the sacrifices of the season of Lent.

Mardi Gras originated in France and traveled to New Orleans in the late 17th century and today it is celebrated with great pomp every year. The people of New Orleans only added the tradition of holding balls and hosting parades to this festival.

A Mardi Gras party is the time when you can get noticed by other people in your community. This is the time when you can show your tastes through the costume you select for the party. Costumes are a way to escape from reality and enter the world of fantasy and dreams.

Some of the most popular outfits worn by people are kings, queens, court jesters, clowns and even masquerade costumes. Masquerade costumes are the most popular and have been highly popularized by Hollywood movies. (Phantom of the Opera and Van Helsing are some of the movies that portray this.) You could be Batman, Caesar, Cleopatra, an angel or even a hero for just one day!

You don�t have to go all around the world searching for your Mardi Gras costume. You could find that perfect costume at your local party stores, or stores that sell special costumes.


About the Author:

Mardi Gras provides detailed information on Mardi Gras, Mardi Gras Beads, Mardi Gras Masks, Mardi Gras Costumes and more. Mardi Gras is affiliated with Wedgewood China.

Article Source: - Reprinted with permission.

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