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June 08, 2008

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12 Fundraising Product Sales Tips

by Kimberly Reynolds

Planning on selling fundraising products and looking for some sales tips? These ideas will help improve the results of any fundraisers that involve selling. Use these quick tips in your next school fundraiser or youth sports team candy sale.

  1. Emphasize setting a personal challenge goal
    Have sellers make a commitment to be their group or sub-group's best salesperson. Structure their sales efforts to emphasize achievement, not failure.

  2. Sellers should state their personal goal out loud
    By publicly stating what you'll accomplish to your peer group, you've reinforced the commitment. Who wants to say publicly that they'll fail to achieve?

  3. Make a prospect list and work it
    All sellers should make a list of prospective customers before they start. Review it and make sure they have at least ten good prospects.

  4. Focus on your best prospects first
    Stick to the people you know - friends, relatives, neighbors, etc. Don't forget co-workers and out-of-town contacts for your major fundraisers.

  5. Rehearse the sales pitch
    Have everyone practice your group's sales pitch at home. Fine tune your two-sentence value proposition and make sure that every seller uses it.

  6. Be prepared
    Be prepared when you fundraise. Sellers should carry their order form and sales materials wherever they go. You never know when a good prospect will appear!

  7. Smile and introduce yourself
    Remind all your sellers to smile and introduce themselves before launching into their two-sentence pitch.

  8. Leverage the power of "because"
    Use the word "because" when stating the group's goal and your first request for help. Why? Because it's an extremely potent trigger word.

    "We need your help because our band needs new uniforms."

  9. Always ask for the order
    Always include a direct request for an order in your sales script after the because statement.

    "Can you help us meet our goal?"

  10. Pick favorites
    Personalize your product selection by picking favorites. Tell each seller to find one or two items that they like and then promote those enthusiastically.

    "This gift wrap is my favorite."

  11. Ask for more business
    After the initial order is placed, offer supplemental items for more revenue or ask for referrals, etc.

    Ask these questions:

    • "Can I show you another program we're offering because it's a great deal too?"

    • "Can you think of anyone else I should contact?"

  12. Be easy to buy from
    Do everything you can to make buying your fundraising product offering easier. Offer to fill out the form yourself.

    Increase sales by reminding your prospects that certain items would make great gifts and that it's all for a good cause.

Good luck with your fundraiser sales!


About the Author: Kimberly Reynolds offers hundreds of fundraising ideas on her website Get free fundraising product samples when you signup for her free monthly newsletter at

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