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August 27, 2010

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Remember to Say "Thanks"

by the AFRDS

When that hectic two or three week stretch known as �the fall fundraiser� is over, many parent groups are understandably ready to move forward with other plans for the school year. But it�s important not to overlook the last item on the fundraiser to-do list: saying thanks to all of your supporters.

Once a fundraising campaign is complete, it�s important to thank everyone involved � especially the parents. Use the opportunity to show-off and show appreciation to the families whose support the school will need again during the next fundraiser. Here are some suggestions:

  • Send Personal Thank You Notes

    Encourage volunteers to thank family members and friends that purchased items. A hand-written thank you note from the student also adds a nice personal touch.

  • Send Home Fundraising �Report Cards�

    On the last day of school or the last day before winter break, send a letter home with students listing the enrichment programs, school activities and classroom purchases funded by your parent group. Be sure the letter includes a personal thank you from the president and the principal and include all of your recent fundraising activities along with the name of the volunteer responsible for coordinating each project.

  • Take Out an Ad

    Purchase some space in your community newspaper to run a thank you ad. Suggested headlines: �Thank You Westwood Elementary Parents� or �We Couldn�t Have Done It Without You!� Be sure the ad mentions how the fundraising dollars will be spent, plus the names of volunteers. And don�t forget the school marquis. It�s a perfect spot to say thank you to the masses (and it�s free!).

  • Send Constant Reminders

    Consider investing in some customized t-shirts, coffee mugs, pens, bumper stickers, etc. and mail them to your top supporters, along with a thank you letter. This will help continually remind them of your group and your gratitude. Your fundraising professional may have some suggestions for low-cost items that say �thanks.�

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About the Author:

This article is from the Fall 2008 issue of the Fundraising Edge, an online publication of the Association of Fund-Raising Distributors and Suppliers, and is reprinted with permission. Visit their web site at for more information and a look at the complete issues of the Fundraising Edge.

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