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August 27, 2010

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A Traditional Mardi Gras Party

by Gail Leino

Mardi Gras is without doubt the biggest and most colorful party in the world and provides you and your guests with an excellent opportunity to impress everyone around you. The most important elements to any Mardi Gras are Mardi Gras decorations and, of course, Mardi Gras beads and masks. Mardi Gras history has seen tens of thousands of revelers transcend on the French quarter wearing the most colorful and elaborate costumes and you should try your best to recreate this party atmosphere when you are Mardi Gras party planning.

Mardi Gras party ideas are not difficult to think up; everyone knows about the basic principle of the festival itself. The procession is packed with people wearing outlandish costumes and you should try to emulate this when you have your party. Mardi Gras party games could revolve around the costumes, let the kids create their own and have a competition for the best costume. Mardi Gras decorations of masks hanging from the ceiling and beads draped around the house will work perfectly to set the scene and as Mardi Gras party favors you can hand out masks and beads to all of your guests.

When shopping for your Mardi Gras Party Supplies you should always think of zesty, spicy New Orleans Mardi Gras recipes. Almost all Mardi Gras menus will include a seafood gumbo and shrimp. Seafood is very popular in New Orleans, almost as popular as hot spices so bear this in mind when shopping for your supplies. Buy any Cajun or Creole cookbook for some easy to make and fantastic tasting recipes that will help get your party going.


About the Author:

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Go here for great Mardi Gras party supplies.

Article Source: - Reprinted with permission.

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