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October 27, 2009

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Tracking Fundraiser Success

by Cassie Kale

One of the most important tips for your fundraising events is to track and keep record of your fundraisers details. If this is your first fundraising event it will most likely be a trial and error process until you find out what works for you and your event. But if you have a fundraiser or two completed, below are some tips to help you track your success and use your completed fundraisers to help with your future fundraising events!

For your own records be sure to write down all the information pertaining to the fundraising event so you will have all the information at your disposal to compare and prepare for the next one. Also take notes and recognize your strengths and what can be improved upon for your next event. This information is very valuable to your future fundraisers. Get the opinions of your sponsors, merchants, volunteers and supporters during and after your fundraising events. Take notes of the information they provide to you. Ask them what they thought of your event - what did they like and what did they think could be done better? Then brainstorm and figure out how you can fit all these new ideas and tips into your next fundraising event.

If you have a website for your business, post your fundraising details on the website! Allow companies and merchants to contact you at anytime, don't just wait until right before the event and start promoting it. Put up information about the successful fundraisers you have hosted in the past and that a new one is coming up! Create excitement; make them want to be a part of it. Most importantly take the money raised and put it to good use!

Than take a few moments to write your sponsors and thank them for their contributions and tell them where the money was spent. It will go along way to use that personal touch with those involved and will also assure them that they will want to be involved in future fundraising events you and your company host.


About the Author:

Cassie Kale is the owner of .

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