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November 05, 2009

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Why Don't More Businesses Help Out Non-Profits

by Lance Winslow

The other day at a Chamber of Commerce meeting at the "Enclave Apartments" myself and several other Coachella Valley community business owners were talking in a group about how each of us believed that giving back to the community was the right thing to do. Indeed, I was humbled as each member of the group explained what they were doing to keep our community strong. One person asked why more businesses do not help out non-profits in our community.

After thinking on this, I said; "Maybe no one has ever properly asked them." I said properly, because I also realize that as business owners we are often approached for donations, gifts for silent auctions and money or advertising opportunities in non-profit newsletters, event program or sponsoring a hole at an up-coming golf tournament. We try to say yes to as many as possible or financially prudent. Often when we say "No, I am sorry" we get the cold shoulder or a look of disgust.

Perhaps, those in the non-profit sector who spend their own personal time to volunteer to ask for donations and such should be taught about relationship selling and how to approach business small business owners or corporations with more finesse. After all, I know it can be discouraging asking businesses for donations and rejection is not easy, especially when you believe so much in your cause, a cause that perhaps is not the main priority of the individual that you are asking for a donation.

What is needed is a better way to allow businesses to see what is available and how they can help, let them learn and become educated on each cause or non-profit and then make a decision that they can be proud of. In everyone's heart is a special place of empathy and charity, and small business owners like anyone wants to make their assistance, money and donations count.

Just an observation.

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