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August 27, 2010

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Your Nonprofit Website "About Us" Page
Why It's Important

by Ian Robert Anderson

All nonprofits know - reputation and presence is everything! An "About Us" page on your charity website builds much needed presence and establishes your organizations identity, with a minimal amount of effort on your part. "About Us" pages show your potential donors who you are, why you exist, and how you plan to achieve your nonprofit mission, and they're a positive step toward building a trustworthy charity brand.

People like contributing to nonprofit organizations they know. This is the same whether they're donating locally or on a national level. They feel comfortable knowing your organization is "real" and that you are serious about your mission. They need peace of mind, security, and the ability to learn about the organization they will donate to, without having to hunt info down on their own.

A detailed "About Us" page provides everything a web visitor needs to know about a nonprofit in one easy place. They help encourage repeat donations and return website visits by instilling a desirable sense of trust in your target audience. This will encourage multiple donations, ticket purchases to fundraising events and join/renew membership. If you would like to see just how easy this functionality is to ad to your charity website, sign up for a 7 day free trial (no credit card required).

"About Us" pages are one part business card, two parts biography. They should introduce your nonprofit organization directly and concisely and they should provide pertinent information in a well designed layout.

Most charities use their "About Us" page to deliver important basic identification - as if they were an extended business card. A physical address, mailing address, phone, fax, and email address are typically included.

Including your basic nonprofit info is a good start. Let them know who you are, where you are, and what it is you plan on doing with the funds you raise (your nonprofit mission), what local regions you work in, and whether or not you have any special certifications, licenses, or acclaims.

Your "About Us" page should be proudly displaying your organizations goals and founding story because it will improve reader trust and site "stickiness" (the magical glue that keeps them coming back for more!). Others also use "About Us" pages to provide detailed directions to their brick-and-mortar nonprofit offices, and to list info on the fundraising events they will be having (and sell tickets online too).

If your current nonprofit website doesn't already have an "About Us" page, you should consider adding one ASAP. If you're in the middle of planning a new site, be sure to include one. You just can't afford to go without!


About the Author:

Ian Anderson is co-founder of Intersection360. Ian specializes in hosted application architecture and GUI design. Intersection360 offers a wide range of non-branded web applications for the small business/non-profit markets. Some of Intersection360 products include: CharityHelper360 - secure forms processing for non-profits (Get a 7 DAY FREE TRIAL - limited time offer simply visit for details), WebEdit360 - an online website editor and more.

Learn more about how you can sell Intersection360 products as your own with the Intersection360 Partner Program at

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